It simply doesn't get much worse than this.
20 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the other reviews I legitimately think it's the cast reviewing their own movie, their friends or something, or possibly paid reviews.

I mean it wasn't even "so bad it's good", it was just good old fashion "bad".

Totally boring, unoriginal plot points that we have seen again and again, low budget, and terrible acting.

At one point they were in an antique shop where they first saw the doll. The shop had "Antiques" hung up with what looked like flimsy computer paper printed straight from Microsoft word (to give them points, it may have been laminated) on a back wall above a door that was not even the door leading into the shop, so this clearly wasn't intended for people on the street outside the shop to know what type of shop it was. It also serves no purpose inside the shop, because by the time people are in the shop, they probably know what type of shop it is... This was obviously for the VIEWER to understand what they were doing in this scene, because it wasn't obvious enough due to the terrible quality of the film. This was one the only kind of funny or "so bad it's good" moments in the film, it was more-so just a perfect example as to how awful the film is. When the "police" came over at one point in the film, I kept waiting for the real police to show up as the heavy-set barely out of school looking theatre student walked around with her police uniform, I believe she was the chief... They may as well have grabbed a random homeless person with a beard straight off the street, I doubt the acting would have been much worse either. I had a hard time staying awake until the end, but It was a corny shot of the Dementia mother who was apparently evil and/or a cultist or something, (Sidebar: we find out before the end of the film that in the past she performed some ritual or whatever sacrificing her first born... to the demon... because?... she wanted to have a weird doll demon, instead of a baby? Or everlasting life?.. nope not that.. I don't know. Seemed like there was no point to any of it, and her daughters both ended up dead... because?... No idea, I have no idea what her motivation really was. She just loved demonic dolls more than her whole family I guess?---anyway) It was just some wacky shot where she's sitting around the four dead bodies and singing to them cornily. All the while the actress who plays "Beryl", is clearly breathing while she is dead, extremely noticeably moving her chest which is amplified by the way her hair was laying, so you clearly see her hair kind of move up and down with each breath she is shallowly trying to take in that end scene where she is supposed to be dead.

It's pretty much just endless low budget/quality stuff the entire film like this over and over until the end. Like, if it was just at least more consistent comically bad scenes closer together I wouldn't be so harsh on it and give it points for at least being entertaining because it's bad and funny. It was just so painfully boring on top of it being a low quality film. The "funny" parts were simply not funny enough to justify the watch.
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