Worthy update of From Beyond
21 September 2021
FLASHING LIGHT WARNING: I don't normally put these, but there are high frequencies and flashing images/light sequences when the machine is on that could be intense for normal viewers, let alone with sensitivities. I personally preferred the high tones to the normal brown-note base horror movies use to cheaply invoke dread.

All right, that out of the way: YES YES YES. I am a Lovecraft fan and a fan of Full Moon cheesiness, so this hit all the right notes for me. It tells the story of From Beyond, but with plenty of its own twists and additions. Yet offers love to its predecessors in ways I appreciated. The colors were the same as the movie, and sometimes Dane Oliver just nailed that early 20th century cadence and behavior. And the female characters seem like actual characters, and not just eye candy to be the next refrigerator girl.

Sure, there are problems with the graphics, but that goes along with B-movie. I actually liked the obviousness of the succubus, because - in a way - it added to the horror: if you saw what just looked like a cosplayer, would you be frightened of it?

The design of the resonating machine itself had almost a Geiger feel to it, and still looked like it fit directly in the Lovecraft mythos.

No spoilers, but I must say the very end scene had me shouting in enjoyment, because it was such a great character cameo, and I really hope it means updates to the stories said cameo comes from. (The actor really nailed it too, and my fellow Lovecraftians will understand when they see it.

Is this for everyone: not by a long shot. It is niche AF. But for those who enjoy that niche, it is probably one of the best Lovecraft movies I have seen in a long time.
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