Stunning visuals, Gripping story
22 September 2021
Adapted from Jiro Taniguchi's manga, The summit of the gods is a visually gorgeous animated feature. It follows two characters, Habu and his obsession with climbing Everest and Fukamachi, a mountain photographer investigating Habu, and an old timey camera that may hold the secret of George Mallory's expedition...

The animation is incredibly good, conveying the mountain atmosphere extremely well, the sound design and music really emphasize it, adding to the unique feeling of such setting.

The story is also very well adapted from the material, streamlining the manga's narrative to focus on the two main characters and their respective quest. Keeping the back and forth in time of the book, it really works well at shining a light on the character's past, while also following theri ascension.

A wonderful animated movie that deserves your curiosity.
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