Intrusion (II) (2021)
Mark my words: Logan Marshall-Green is going to be A-list!
22 September 2021
Yes Netflix finally a well done entertaining thriller from you! After I couldn't sit through Sweet Girl from earlier this year I was happy to see that they kind of redeemed themselves with this production.

I saw it without knowing nothing about it or reading any reviews. Therefore I thought it was a straight up home invasion thriller which I like, but I quickly discovered it was more of a standard thriller. And it's good fun.

There are not a lot of reviews at the current moment, but I've seen two just calling this movie trash, one without presenting any arguments to why he or she found it to be that bad, and the other because it was 'predictable'.. Does that necessarily make a movie bad? Because I don't think so. Yes, it maybe is a little predictable but not AS predictable as some make it out to be. And I really don't think this movie set out to be groundbreaking in the thriller genre. I'd rather see a well produced and well acted thriller, that's not trying to break new grounds in the genre but is just a good and suspenseful ride, that a pretentious thriller that wants to be something that it is not with a complete confusing story line and bad actors. Intrusion maybe does not add anything new to the genre, but that seems to be the case of a lot of movies, and still it is just a fine thriller, and I didn't expect anything else.

This is not a masterpiece, but it is perfect as Sunday night entertainment. Freida Pinto is great as Meera, our protagonist but Logan Marshall-Green steals the show as Henry. It's kind of a cliché but by doing a little he's doing a lot. I really liked him in this one! He is far from a-list material yet, but having delivered so many solid performances in movies like The Invitation and Upgrade and now this one I believe he will get a lot more roles in way bigger productions made for the big screen in a few years!

The rest of the cast unfortunately isn't that great, and especially Detective Morse, portrayed by Robert John Burke is bland and really doesn't add anything to the story. But again the movie really centers mainly around the married couple so I was okay with that. Then there was a really forced scene that was there only to drive the plot forward, where Meera is watching the news at home while hosting a party that I found quite unbelievable. It's a little thing I know, but who turns on the news when they are having a big house party, when there's no particular reason for it? It was to obvious that the writers needed that. At last I didn't find the ending to be as exciting as I hoped for. It's not a big disappointment and there wasn't a lot of ways it could've ended, but it could've been done a little better.

So not a masterpiece but very entertaining and it ranks high amongst the recent Netflix Originals, although that's not saying a lot. If you are in it for a well done thriller to spend an hour and a half, I think you will find it fitting for just that. Either way, I think giving this movie a 1-star rating is just ridiculous..

I use to comment on the bad tendencies among a lot of reviewers here where they give 1 star to ok movies. It's very misleading and I think IMDb should have a bigger filter for taking out reviews that are not presenting any arguments besides "it's trash". When people go to the site for guidance towards good movies and the first they see is for a movie like this are three reviews giving this a 1-star rating without arguments they might miss out and thats a shame.

Intrusion is probably around 6.5 if you ask me. I recommend watching it without seeing the trailer. Enjoy.

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