Review of Lucifer

Lucifer (2016–2021)
One of most entertaining crime television series
24 September 2021
First there was Bones (2005-2017) a feel-good crime drama duo that was just ending its run as Lucifer was beginning. Both these television crime series had solid engaging episode plots but with the added bonus of the fascinating interaction between the male and female lead roles. In Lucifer, there is the added fun supernatural twist. The evolving story arcs provide a continuing fascinating, oftentimes emotional, riveting backstory with both series. With Lucifer the screenwriters push it up a delicious notch. The last shorten season is spectacular though the last two episodes fail to meet the highest standards of excellence even though both are fine and offer a more than satisfying conclusion for anyone having made the commitment to watching the entire series. Some of the more entertaining, stress-reducing television experiences that allow for plenty of re-runs and multiple screenings into the future.
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