Alter Ego (2021– )
An Interesting, if doomed, experiment.
24 September 2021
Every once in a while, network executives decide to experiment with new formats for competitions. Usually you get something entertaining that might last a few seasons. Sometimes, though, you get a show that makes you wonder how much medication those executives are on (see "Unan1mous" for the worst example).

Alter Ego is interesting as a novelty. Singers who, ostensibly, can't perform as themselves for various reasons get to perform through a computer generated avatar on stage in front of a live audience and four judges. Then they are judged based on singing ability and how well their avatar "personality" matches said performance.

This is one of those things where the technology isn't quite where it needs to be for this all to work the way it should. The avatars have only slightly more animation and life than a video game character from 2003 and just don't emote enough.

While it may not warrant six stars I was entertained enough over the course of two episodes to be generous. I have a feeling the final product is going to warrant about 4 stars.
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