Dum fum
25 September 2021
This mix of Mexican wrestling, 60s superspy & campy TV "Batman" element was probably intended for kiddie matinees. It's fun, but the relatively low production values means the means there's energy but little style, so all the running around gets monotonous after a while. I wished the lead got to take off his costume once so we could see what he looked like--this was a rare lead for an actor who usually played bit parts or did stunt doubling.

Still, I enjoyed his and the other performances; the cast seems to have been enjoying this as a lark, with the possible exception of Guy Madison. (But then he's playing the main villain, so perhaps it's just as well that he's poker-faced.) It's a goofy, silly film, with some charm. But let's face it, this sort of Italian live-action-cartoon thing is better when it's got the $$ for some visual flourishes, whether in the garishly colored lighting and production design in Bava's "Hercules in the Haunted World" or the cheesy-FX-cluttered Lou Ferrigno "Hercules" movies later on, not to mention the better Bond knockoffs.
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