Review of JJ+E

JJ+E (2021)
A good movie because... (Why does it has this many low ratings??)
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
She loved him never the less of people presumptions/their reality of him was pushed upon her...she knew he was a good guy, he were just in a bad environment and was pushed into being in it by bad people. At the end he didn't kill the other guy who had taken away on of his most precious people, his best friend, and who has most liked saved his life coming to his rescue...ofc his world would have crashed down and to have his best friend killed right in front of his eyes. She immediately knows he isn't no bad guy as she comes rushing with one of his friends begging her to come, as he had not hurt anyone... Elisabeth knows him, and he dosen't want to hurt anybody. And they both need one another- that is what I got from the end of the movie.

... Although the ending seemed kinda rushed. And that is kinda a bit too bad.

In my opinion the chemistry between the two weren't missing.

Here is why; They see the world for what it really is, they both do and that is a rare trait to have in this world, they don't see it as black and white.

They don't get sucked into their environmental cultures that hey grew up with... but keep true to themselves, despite the struggles.

Yes, Elisabeth does seem quite depressed through out most of the film, but that is quite understandable, can't expect someone to just get over a loss just because she falls in love, and I men she had JUST lost her mom.

There is her Grandmother, who dosen't care much or enough for her family but would rather want a "rich" materialistic life, this is serious, as this is why the dad and his daughters leaves earlier than expected from the summerhouse "trip".

Then there is her father wants her to act somewhat as her sister's mother babysitting her more often just because the dad finds it so important to make their big materialistic ends meet, of likes of the big house, etc. Not having much time for his daughters instead, even doing these critical moments of having lost their mom/his wife.

Elizabeth would rather have time for creating bonds... real bonds and be a teenager/young adult as she should be, I can't say there is no reason for her to not seem kind of "empty" of her personality, with all these things going around her head she has not power to deal with them, to have a say.

Her dance that she suddenly decides to do spontaneously... I think was a moment of flourishing, her blooming a bit for a moment, feeling herself again- and maybe for the first time? It had some painful elements in there, but I also saw happiness, I think it was kind of meant to symoblize her current situation of her world.

She is only starting to grow to allow herself to be somewhat okay again, to find and feel warmth again as grieving is eternal when losing someone you love, it never really ends, but you can't also lose yourself entirely either to the dead... she is rebuilding herself slowly.

... John John sees she is different from the other rich kids, and even from the other kids of his upbringing, she values what he can give her, what they can give each other, a real time.

John John.

Struggles being very close the criminal culture from were he lives, even though his mothers does indeed work hard so that he dosen't have to touch this side of the neighborhood, but as his friends are in it it can be hard, he is even "forced" into it once as makes a stupid action. And his mother's abusive boyfriend who is a cop, but an abusive one of the kind(showing us that we are indeed not always what we might look like presuming people as,) as he lies, corrupting to John John's mother about what had gone down between the two of them, twisting it to look like that John John had been the abusive one, being the bad guy here, forcing him to apologize, as he finds valuable items in John Johns room that he holds for a friend, and when the boyfriend had been the one who had slapped John, pushed him against the wall, dragged him, and pushed him against the floor and laid a knee on his neck/throat, not hesitating one bit... being the abusive one, and very, that is.

Then there is this one, and it could be unnecessary to mention, but it would definitely have been interesting to have had discovered more of the plot of Elisabeth's dead mother. As this seems to play a big role into her life.

Not much gets resolved in the movie, but so does neither a lot of situations in reality of the real world, sometimes live just goes on, it must go on, have to let go, and go on with these new realities. There is no "rewards" for anything here. (I kinda wanted to put this on here as it seemed kinda worth it to mention, as I read someone wrote this one, seemingly questioning it quit a bit of why there was not many "closed endings". This is my viewpoint of it. Take it however you want is as.)

But never the less, I am not completely convinced by their "love story", as there does seem to be lacking a bit more information of both of their personalities, of what has otherwise been shown to us, "What more had drawn them closer to one another"?

But maybe there was just not much more needed, maybe it dosen't always have to be very deep, other than what that they saw the world for- what it is and their firm grip on how their believes on how they wanted to live in it.

After all John John did jump in the waters for a stranger, not a lot of people would have done that indeed, but John John did and not even hesitating for a second, it does show just how big his heart is, even with people of seemingly being complete oppesites of each their worlds, kind of looking like the "enemy" of them, as they have sooo much and they have so little, compared. They clearly struggle in their world. It is hard to meet extreme worlds for many people.

Even people of the rich world can end up too materialistic and getting numbed feelings of reality.

But John John sees equal value of all people here, never the less.
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