Line of Duty: The Probation (2012)
Season 1, Episode 5
Don't want to go through THAT again...
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Are the next five seasons as intense and manipulative of the viewer as this one? I'm out.

There's not one person to care about in the whole group. I'd like to see all of them fired and or thrown in jail. I don't like being jerked around by writers who deliberately push my buttons with throat-cutting, finger amputation, a frozen dismembered corpse, a grinning, sadistic juvenile, and the family dog covered in blood, whimpering as it dies. Cheap shots (as it were)-- anyone can write that garbage. No talent needed.

However, I will say that Gina McKee is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She played Inspector Lewis's first love in that show's first season.
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