Poor acting and direction
25 September 2021
I know Carla Diaz from her acting when she was still a kid and, later on, during her teenage times. I could never imagine such terrible acting and I am inclined to believe she was misguided by the direction and production to present such a poor acting. Actually, she is not the only one who did bad in the dialogs, making me even more certain that the director didn't know what he was doing. The movies are both boring and repetitive. Of course it should be at some level repetitive since is the same story being told by two people, but they could save us some time to skip the same scenes. The dialogs are unnatural, far from feeling reality while watching. I could see all the time the actress playing instead of the character and I wouldn't recommend this waste of movie to anyone. Such a good idea for a movie based in true facts, great actors and such a terrible outcome. Sad sad sad.
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