Paprika (2006)
Quirky, beautiful, but lacks sting
26 September 2021
Paprika is an animated film about an experimental device that allows therapists to enter the dreams of patients. The device falls into the wrong hands, and soon reality and the dream world begin to blend.

I tend to be more forgiving of cartoons and animated films in my evaluations. They are almost always original, following a clear artistic vision. As long as the animation is good, it is difficult for an animated feature to be truly offensive.

Paprika sports stellar animation, some of the best I've seen. It is a visually intriguing film. The characters are interesting enough, and it isn't hard to be engaged with the plot.

However, the film doesn't really get there for me. The visuals and audio aren't disturbing enough to feel as though we are in a Lynchian nightmare; the characters don't feel like they are in any true danger (except for at one point, but the crisis is rather quickly averted); the story doesn't provide enough relevance to make its central mystery, who the mastermind is, truly interesting.

I enjoyed watching Paprika fine, but when it was over, I was disappointed. It did not shock, disturb or intrigue me enough, despite its fascinating subject-matter.
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