Decent British Essex Movie
27 September 2021
No spoilers. Just a general constructive critique of the film.


1. The directors could have done their homework regarding the music of the late 80s.. Kariya "Let Me Love You For Tonight" was/is NOT Acid music.

2. Ending was abrupt & seemed rush. Always try to end your movie with a score.


1. Vinnie Jones was a joy to watch.

2. The era was quite accurately portrayed for anyone in need of a history lesson on the club scene of the late 80s/ early 90s.

3. Authentic British accents as opposed to the fake & forced Queens English that Hollywood seems to think we all use here in England.

4. Professional steady-cam filming, which is also a rarity these days.

5. Good performances from Terry Stone, Vinnie Jones & Craig Fairbrass.

6. Succeeded in entertainment. Amazing how some directors these days forget this essential ingredient and choose to bore us to death.

So a point for each of those positives results in an overall 6/10 mark which I believe is quite fair. Anything below 5/10 is simply harsh.

It is by no means a Carlito's Way or a Scarface but unlike most movies today it is watchable if you can tolerate the excessive swearing & realistic (in that part of England) use of the word "cxnt".
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