NCIS: Yankee White (2003)
Season 1, Episode 1
"Rule Number One: Never let suspects stay together. Rule Number Two: Always wear gloves at a crime scene. Rule Number Three: Don't believe what you're told. Double-check."
27 September 2021
That was pretty entertaining; it was almost surprising that it was. It's not like I was expecting the opposite, but there was still that subtle element of being surprised that it was, somehow. I've watched this premiere before, so I remembered some of it, or at least I think I've watched it before. I didn't remember most of the episode after the first 5-10 minutes or so.

My biggest takeaway from this pilot was two characters: Caitlin Todd and Leroy Jethro Gibbs. I like both of them a lot already, especially her. I think they stood out more than the other characters. And I remember something involving Caitlin. I think it happens later on in this first season or the second season. I also remember that it doesn't happen, but I think that's revealed in a much later season, although because of the implications, I think I'm still not going to like it that much, even though it didn't happen.

I think this pilot did a good job of throwing you right into the swing of things, leaving you with barely any room to breathe, yet still managed to introduce you to the characters. I feel like a lot was already delved decently enough into without much effort, and this is the pilot episode of the entire show. They already seem to have significant chemistry with each other, and they seem like characters with depth, and we hardly know anything about them, specifically. Even characters like Anthony DiNozzo, Abby Sciuto, and Donald Mallard, too. I'd say they were less utilized in this pilot than Caitlin and Leroy were, yet they still felt like characters. They already feel like characters with depth, only by showing you, not telling you, which I think is awesome.

For example, you can tell what type of guy Anthony probably is by his attitude. He seems a little charming, and he's probably a bit of a "ladies' man." You can tell that Abby seems a bit eccentric, but she'll probably be the type of character who will always come in clutch for the team and be a big staple in the solving of each case. You can tell that Donald (played by the great David McCallum - Illya Kuryakin, anyone?) is a bit of an unusual character, but not completely. He probably has a story for every situation and seems like the voice of wisdom.

All-in-all, I was pretty entertained by this pilot. The music score played during the title sequence was incredibly nostalgic, although I can't seem to remember the tune of the NCIS: LA version. The case was somewhat predictable, but that wasn't a bad thing, and it didn't impair the enjoyment of the episode. I think the characters and their dynamics with each other will be more important than the cases themselves. But this was the pilot, so I'm sure future cases will be just as important as well and that starting next episode, the cases will start really kicking off.
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