Review of Conundrum

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conundrum (1992)
Season 5, Episode 14
Shaking up the Bridge Dynamics
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We've had a memory episode before that similarly emphasise the personalities and feelings of certain characters. Picard therefore is exactly who he should be, diplomatic (as MacDuff calls him) and questioning to the very last. Although Geordi, Data and Crusher do not play too much of a role in this episode, the former two have an interesting little conversation about Data's possible origins. It again explores the ideas about an android being so useful to Starfleet and the idea of Data representing a whole race. Although it is only briefly, it explores some of the concepts more emphasises in episodes about Data's daughter ('The Offspring') and the rights of Data ('The Measure of a Man').

Comedy plays throughout the episode in regard to the shaking up of the dynamics between characters. You can't help but chuckle seeing Picard as a helmsman while Worf is bossing him around. Funnily enough I didn't even realise MacDuff was the odd one out until he began bossing people around, it is not the first time they introduce characters into the crew only to evict them the next episode. That's why this episode works so well within Star Trek, although avid fans might suspect why this random person is suddenly a senior officer, some casual fans might not. Similarly, even when you realise he is the odd one out, the mystery remains and the reveal is a very satisfying and interesting idea of how war is waged by pretty much inserting a parasite on a superior ship to destroy your enemy.

Of course the funniest part of this episode is Ro Laren, Riker and Troi. It has been previously established (and emphasised in the beginning of the episode) the rivalry between Ro and Riker. Both of the actors do a great job actually creating a sort of newfound chemistry between the two, where Troi strangely enough seems less of a fit to Riker than Ro Laren does. Although perhaps that's because Troi is often sidelined or reduced to some minimal personality. Let's not forget the episode she lost her powers and the writers turned her into a rambling mess. I've heard many reviews speak highly in an episode that includes Ro Laren and I can't help but agree. The ending left me in tatters, very funny way to end that love triangle. While Riker is clearly a 'casanova' going around hitting on a bunch of women, you can't help feel a little sorry for him when all the blame is put on him. Troi claims that in times like this people do things they always wanted to and gets mad at Riker, while technically Ro was the one who snuck into his room and seducing him. It just makes it even funnier with his sigh of exhaustion at the end alone at the table.

Good plot, good character moments and a nice mix of intrigue, tension and comedy.
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