Diehard Lovecraftian fans only
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the Lovecraft mythos for over forty years and therefore being probably overly generous in this review. For brevity I will not give a synopsis as you can read that in other reviews.

It's kinda a sequel to "From Beyond" (1986) by director Stuart Gordon, but with a running time of barely over an hour. Fair warning - a Full Moon Features production (honestly don't think I've ever seen a Full Moon film which wasn't crap).

I don't mind very low budget movies, as long as they have some redeeming features, but this one has few. Honestly thought this may have been a first-time outing for the writer/director William Butler, but according to IMBD he has (at time of writing) 30 credits to his name.

The in-camera practical SFX (models,blood etc.) are pretty good considering the low budget, but there is an overuse of flashing negative film effects and the CGI effects are pretty awful. Hard to believe the visual effects in From Beyond, made over 35 years ago are FAR superior to this.

The acting is mostly sub-par, with the exception of the main character Crawford - which is so truly awful, I can't even forgive him for the incredibly dumb garbage dialogue he has to deliver. In two separate scenes when the machine is powered up he instructs the participants to "remain completely still, they can't see you if you don't move", followed immediately by "point out if you see anything". And of course everyone including himself moves .

Just to give you some scale, Michael Pare gives by far the best performance in this movie (never thought I'd ever write that).

Positves- the female characters are very attractive beauties.

Negatives (apart from previously mentioned) - the ending was abrupt and forced, maybe due to lack of funds.
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