Exodus (1960)
A snooze of an epic
29 September 2021
Exodus? More like Exoduzzzzz 😴

This movie has an accomplished director in Otto Preminger, a good screenwriter in Dalton Trumbo, a solid cast that includes acting icons like Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Lee J Cob, and Sal Mineo, a large budget, good visuals, and a nice musical score... so why is it so boring?

It's quite baffling, really. There's just too many scenes of people talking about the same sorts of things in rooms, punctuated by a few dialogue heavy scenes outdoors that are at least more visually exciting and like... one or two set pieces? In almost three and a half hours? It's hardly very generous, or considerate of its viewer's attention spans.

I thought the fairly subdued reception by modern viewers would be more due to the film's politics (it does take a firm side on an ongoing issue that has divided and still does divide people) but really, politics aside, its main problem might just be that it's dull.

Its technical competency and the fact that the cast does decent work with a boring screenplay keeps it from being awful, but it's really disappointing, ultimately.
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