Review of C.I.Ape

C.I.Ape (2021)
1 October 2021
I am a professional chimp wrangler, and I know as a fact that the character in this film is not a real chimpanzee. It looks nothing like a real chimp either. This CGI abomination proves that in modern society, we value fancy gadgets and computers over good old fashioned chimp labor. The directors of this film could have taken this in a great direction, this film could have had amazing potential. There have been a stream of great chimp-based spy films and television shows, including "Lancelot Link", "Spymate", and others. But this film, unfortunately, appears to have taken more after the film "Funky Monkey", which is the worst film I have ever watched. Now this film does not bring out the murderous rage that "Funky Monkey" did, but the CGI chimp coupled with the extremely mediocre, pro-interventionist plot make this film extremely dissapointing. I just hope this will not set a precedent, and directors will continue to utilize the boundless acting skills of real chimpanzees. This film could have been so much more. Bring back the chimps.
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