The Incredible Hulk: Half Nelson (1981)
Season 4, Episode 16
Serious and Silly
3 October 2021
This episode is a mixture of the serious and the silly. The serious part is the lives of "little people" as lived among "giants". It tries to shed some light on that and is successful to some degree, although at times seems oversimplified. But they did try and I give them credit for that. The silly is the wrestling and the characters involved with that.

It's fun to see Elaine Joyce play a wrestler's girlfriend with over the top sex appeal and sexual desire. She has a crush on one of the "little people" and they kiss a few times which was probably not very common on TV in 1981.

The main drawback I think is the acting. It feels clunky and one-dimensional, like you're watching people in their first year at acting school. Bill Bixby is just fine as usual. Overall it's just a so-so episode, kind of cliche and not terribly interesting, but watchable.
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