First Lady 3 (2021)
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen all three movies and I must say they're not bad but could be better. This one was 1hr/47min and still seemed rushed, also not to mention it was released this year after COVID hit last year. I just really expected more from the actors and actresses but some parts were weak. The first 15min felt off, from the girls playing in the room and not hearing anything, the kidnappers even being in the house, Latoya being dead on the floor and then us not seeing Maria in the beginning. It's like they cut alot out. But of course we later find out she's alive and was kidnapped herself. Alot of areas was sloppy to me but I guess if everyone died then lol it wouldn't be a part 4. The grandfather getting killed was sloppy knowing damn well someone after your family and you letting anyone in your house to do maintenance?! Come on. Cisco getting shot in the club like he did but ended up surviving with a shoulder wound?!! Sal's guys being sloppy and couldn't get Maria's daughter on more than one occasion(Lol you're bad henchmen). Then him having Maria all that time wanting to kill her, but never doing it to only let her go and then try to kill her later?! Lol make that make sense please 😂💀. Everyone was slipping with them second chances and ladies/gentlemen that's why again we have a setup for part 4. This series want to be cutthroat but misses the mark just to say we're doing another movie. In the game they're playing people don't get second chances like that. "You live or die. Get the money, go legal and cut them loose ends; or keep hustling, making enemies and constantly looking over your shoulders because in the end "KARMA'S A BITCH"!" The series had potential but now I'm like please end with 4 and let it end on a good note.
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