Review of Reckoning

Reckoning (2019)
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Very early you know who the serial killer is. But why his wife does not know is the real mystery. Early on the guy wakes up with blood all over his face, which he becomes aware off when he gets up and seed himself in the mirror. He is shocked, bewildered, likevwtf, how did I get blood all over my face? He then goes back to the bedroom, where he sees lots of blood all over his side of the bed. As he is looking, his wife walks in,. They stare at each other. The quality of this series is shown by the fact that this scene leads to nothing. Apparently she asks no question, like, Honey, did you have your period last night? Not any time later is there any reference to this important scene. Why did the editor not leave it out?.

The ending makes absolutely no sense. If Mike knows who the killer is, why not arrest him? And the wife knows what he has done, yet she engages in torrid sex with him.
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