Quite a funny episode.
5 October 2021
Whilst out with Truly, Howard bumps into an old flame, besotted with Marina, he's terrified, Truly spots a chance for mischief. Clarke is definitely enjoying making Howard's life a misery.

It's an amusing storyline, it's not exactly a classic, but it does have a few moments of amusement. I can't believe how ruthless Truly is with poor Howard.

I enjoyed the story of the ladies having a bake off, it manages to bring them all together without contriving a strange scenario, they come together here organically. The scenes of them on the tractor are very funny, they look like they're having a whale of a time.

I love the fact that Howard has a history with the ladies, it seems as though he has been something of a ladykiller his whole life.

Enjoyed that, 7/10.
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