I feel this show is underrated
6 October 2021
I've looked at the reviews here, and most of them judge the show for it's animation which I will concede, is the show's weak point. Originally, I was turned off from the show by that alone. However, I decided to give it a fair chance, and honestly, I ended up enjoying it. I liked the writing and I felt the humor was good for what it was aiming for. I've seen some people say it's boring, but honestly, I wasn't bored by it. I found it decently entertaining.

I think the biggest thing that sold me however was how Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm were characterized in this series. Before, I just never found them particularly interesting be they babies, kids, teens, or adults. Here on the other hand, I finally find them interesting characters with flaws, quirks, humor, and more.

I also read that some dislike Ely Henry as Bamm-Bamm in this as he doesn't sound genuinely like a kid. However, I'm going to defend this on the following grounds. In the original Flintstones, Bamm-Bamm was voiced by the late Don Messick who was not a child or a woman doing a child's voice. Yes, we have had some installments where women have voiced Bamm-Bamm such as the late Lucille Bliss, E. G. Daily, and the late Christine Cavanaugh, and all are good in their own right and all actresses I adore the works of, but if this show is going for how Bamm-Bamm originally sounded, I think Ely Henry fits that well as a more grown kid version since it sounds close to Don Messick but a bit older. Just keep that in mind please when judging his performance.

Considering this show in contrast to Teen Titans Go, I find this show more respectful than that show has been, and it's DEFINITELY no where as bad as ThunderCats Roar which I feel was truly insulting and if anyone says this show is the worse, those are two shows I would use to counter argue that. Granted, people are allowed to have their own opinions and like and dislike what they want, so I'm not saying they should like this show either, but even so, I am still allowed to defend it as much as those who criticize it. I also know this is a less serious take on The Flintstones and for that, I'm not going to take it as seriously, and I also know it's for kids more so than adults unlike the original series and what kind of things do appeal to said audience these days. However, in contrast to the two shows I mentioned, this show doesn't insult its audience like TTG, nor is the writing so lazy, poorly thought out, and shows no regard for what kids deserve like TCR.

Now do I consider this one of the best shows to come out of WarnerMedia or retro revivals? Absolutely not, but it is in no way (animation aside) one of the worst either. I find it charming and decent enough that I do have fun watching it, and thankfully, a good amount of my friends have also come to enjoy this series as well, so it's good to know I am not alone.

Again, if you don't like this series in the end, that's fine, but give it more of a chance than just the animation and understand certain perspectives about it as well.
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