Review of Signal

Signal (2016)
Would Have Been Really Great, But They Lost It
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Started out really strong. In fact, up until episode 14, I'd give it an 8 or even a 9. Admirable performances by Lee Jae-hoon, Kim Hye-soo and Choo Jin-woong.

But the last two episodes pulled my rating down.

I get that this has a major fantasy element to it. But there were scenes that were outright impossible and illogical especially when they weren't supposed to be fantasy.

Such as: When Park Hae-young figured out where in the massive hospital Ahn Chi-soo was heading just by recalling background and ambient sounds he could hear at the other end of the line as he was talking to Chi-soo through his mobile phone.

Or how Lee Jae-han figured out where Kim Bum-joo threw that red scarf - out of the many trash bins in the city - by pure deduction.

These guys have got to have supernatural reasoning powers.

The last two episodes were shockingly messy. For 14 episodes one can still follow the "time travel" sequence and logic. But on the 15th episode it felt like the writer could not figure out how to tie things together and decided to throw all sense of logic out the window. It was as if to tell the audience: "Quit trying to make sense of the time because I'm taking all sense away from here on".

The last 15 minutes were a total, absolute, letdown. If it is meant to have a 2nd season, they could at least be more obvious. But to leave too many questions un-answered after 16 episodes was plain cruel.
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