The Nightmare House (2019 TV Movie)
Dumb and unbelievable.
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hate these nanny movies for the most part. The set up is so implausible and requires the parent/s in the movies to accept everything at face value. This is a 2019 movie. In what world is this movie set in where a photo of the expected nanny wouldn't have been a part of the info package? I see the commercials all the time. Having such a large and beautiful home, plus the ability to afford a nanny.... I assume she and her husband lived comfortably and he should have had life insurance? It further makes no sense that whatever her job is, she can't do it from home much less during the wee hours of the night.

Then the employee at "The Agency" that basically disregarded Julia's phone call...didn't even ask what the problem was! We are also expected to believe that Real! Olivia's friend just let it go after she never heard back from her friend or the nanny company employee?? The representative who came to the house didn't tell anyone else what was going on? So dumb! I remember the lady mentioning that the nannies are supposed to check in...wasn't happening, so why didn't anyone else call or stop by? Why in the WORLD would Mom be at work and not at least in the vicinity after she called the police? Why didn't she install cameras?

There is ZERO chance they would have been left with that nanny. ZERO! As another reviewer mentioned, Mom can fire her at any point. NOt to mention that once Fake! Olivia started threatening her, are you serious? Sure a welfare check can be done, but it would not result in what this movie wants you to believe. Again, no one notified the nanny agency? Throwing her out of her own home? Please! These kids are too old to fall for this.

Another issue w/these movies....they never have family. Ever. Where are the grandmas who would drop everything to hover? I could see a spiteful granny alienating the kids from their mom like this. This movie could also almost be better if the Faker was a meddlesome neighbor that Julia already knew already took an interest in her kids. In both situations, it would be more of a believable assumption that the kids could be left with them. It makes NO SENSE that she keeps going to work and leaving these kids. What's more important? This dumb job or those kids? She has no clue what the kids are being told, yet she keeps leaving the house. Does she make sure they get to school ok? Does she ever meet with the principal? No.

Her boss also needs to STFU! So much exposition and knowing nothing. Basically shoving a nanny she doesn't know down Julia's throat and making her think she's crazy. What a terrible boss! I can't believe her idiot boss called the police on her. This movie is such a tiresome joke. First, the boss is a terrible actress and second, had you told me that the boss was working with the faker to find marks, I would have believed you. She had no business going off ZERO information and being so adamant about it. They made it seem like they were friends. Why not offer Julia some time to work at home. I really hope Julia told her to shove that job at the end of this. Why were there media and people outside when she was forced to leave, but yet not another face any other time in the movie that could vouch for her being a good parent?

Yet another time the villain gets away. She killed at least two people in this movie, she's drugging's not entertaining to see her survive.

Skip it. I started FFing the movie once the stupid started. Lifetime will air a good thriller like My Father's Other Family, but then they'll air this garbage and remind you to keep your expectations in the basement. Good grief I hated this movie.
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