Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Cold (2008)
Season 9, Episode 19
Left me cold
7 October 2021
Season 9 was pretty hit and miss as a season, like Seasons 7 and 8. There are wonderful episodes, with the best being "Savant", "Undercover" and "Authority". "Svengali" and "Signature" also had many fantastic things and there were great guest stars such as Cynthia Nixon and especially Robin Williams. At the same time, Season 9 did have disappointments, the worst faring being "Avatar", "Harm" and this episode. Also personally found "Trade" and "Paternity" uneven. Season finales always leaves one in high anticipation, especially when dealing with not one but two character exits.

"Cold" sadly for me is quite aptly named, it did leave me cold. It does have its good things, but it did underwhelm in many ways and up to this point of 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit's' run (meaning Seasons 1-9), it is the weakest though not the worst in the show's history. Namely due to that the case didn't grab me, screwed up most of the character writing, did not do a good job with the sending offs and didn't really feel like a season finale. "Authority" in fact felt more like one, sans any character exits, and actually could easily have been one in two parts.

There are good things about "Cold". It is slickly photographed throughout, a perfect match for the gritty tone, and the location work looks both striking and atmosphere-filled. The music is only used when necessary and when it is used it does stick in the mind and not done so ham-handedly. Both the main theme and opening voice over are memorable.

Most of the performances are very good. It also starts very intriguingly with some tension and Lake and Fin's chemistry is lovely to watch, a chemistry that has come on massively since Season 8's "Outsider" (they were very mismatched in that episode but their chemistry in Season 9 saw some delightful character moments).

Otherwise, there is not much else to recommend about "Cold". Am saying this with a heavy heart. Other than the intriguing start the story never really grabbed me, found it very dull and severely lacking in suspense and surprises. It also doesn't help that Lake, who pretty much dominates the episode, on the most part didn't do much for me as a character, and it is always difficult to care about what happens to a character that you don't care for. Adam Beach is stiff and wooden here, with the intensity being forced, and it was clear here that the episode was written by somebody who didn't like Lake especially with the way he is written out.

Novak's final appearance (at this point) was a complete waste, she is very underused and her exit is handled so abruptly and indifferently. Some of the character writing is anger inducing, especially Stabler whose attitude is on the same level of intolerable as it was in "Closet". Absolutely hated his treatment of Fin, who didn't deserve in any way the way he was treated, which goes completely against how he was written pre-Season 7. It was like the show had forgotten what made him a great character in the early seasons. Didn't like Donnelly, not usually the case at all, either, whose treatment of Novak here is the equivalent of back-stabbing for no reason that makes sense. The tautness is not there in the script and pretty much the only character written well or that comes off well is Fin.

Disappointing season finale overall. 4/10.
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