The Portal (2017)
Too much of a mixed bag
7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The curt, inelegant transition from one short to the next - a matter of one frame to the next, nothing more - is off-putting. It doesn't help that the wraparound segment, also woven in between the other pieces, is total bunkum. The collection is split pretty evenly between pieces I enjoy, ones I rather loathe, and those that scarcely make any impression at all. And still I have to wonder: if one is going to produce a horror anthology, it may give a greater appearance of calculated consideration for the endeavor to work with a unifying concept more smartly thoughtful than simply "death."

The first segment in 'The portal,' titled 'Alexia,' doesn't seem particularly original, and the jump scares are frankly overdone, needlessly over the top, and wholly expected. But I appreciate the lighting, makeup, blood effects, and the concept, including thematic content. Rating: 6/10

'The face' initially comes off as a tiredly conventional horror-thriller idea. But I admire the shift in tone that upends our expectations and twists the short into something a little different - endearing, even. The crucial punch is highly predictable, but I think the star gives a strong performance with adept range and physicality, and otherwise this is done well enough that ultimately I don't mind the deficiency. Rating: 8/10

'Exit 7A' offers a scenario marginally familiar, but engaging enough for us to be curious and watch it through. I'm not especially enamored of the actors' performances; they seem pretty cut and dry, as though they're simply reciting lines that were fed to them moments before the cameras started rolling. Still, overall - if unremarkable, it's enjoyable. Rating: 7/10

'Class of death' changes pace with a sparsely animated story drawn with simple black on a white background. The style isn't especially noteworthy, though those sole two colors employed do offer a few admirable frames that look especially fetching, with some surprising detail in the art. I think the concept and the narrative is generally fine, though I could stand to see it fleshed out a bit more. The greatest fault here, however, is just how for lack of dynamic visual presentation, the segment is almost entirely reliant on verbose narration to convey the story, with a voiceover that seems wholly dispassionate. Not bad, but the execution is questionable. Rating: 5/10

'The experiment' is a mixture of found footage and active narrative, a somewhat disjointed affair that's disinterested in showing its hand. So disinterested, in fact, that the details revealed about the course of events are minimal, and practically nonexistent. We get the suggestion of death, and of something sinister on the edges that the sole character before us also struggles with - but those suggestions are all we get. I'm not impressed. Rating: 2/10

I once again appreciate the consideration for hair, makeup, and wardrobe in 'Delete.' The frank, catty dialogue is entertaining. The nature of the horror element is outright common, and the last shot just unnecessary. It's okay, I guess. Rating: 5/10

What is commendably notable about 'The sneak' has nothing to meaningfully do with its content. It seems novel, at least to me, to provide perspective in the segment by way of camera windows in a FaceTime session. Beyond that - though not bad in terms of the brief tale being told, in the grand scheme of horror stories it's just so very ordinary as to be banal. Rating: 3/10

Initially dubious dialogue and delivery improves, and is counterbalanced with jarring imagery that makes fine use of makeup and fake blood in 'It requires sacrifice.' With such a minute duration, and given the emphasis on the violence in the scenario, the merest suggestion of lesbian representation instead comes across as queer-baiting. Still, apart from the absolutely unnecessary final few frames, this one is pretty well done. Rating: 8/10

The brisk, brief plot in 'Diced' is wholly unclear, and the conceptual thrust of putting children in danger is so unoriginal as to be tiresome. Even the cast seem wholly indifferent to their participation. This slice of 'The portal' is utterly dispensable. Rating: 1/10

A different take on the college experience in 'Hell week' is satisfying, and frankly gratifying. Cuts to the despicable fraternity were not necessary to provide context for the course of events - I could easily imagine an alternative means of exposition. On the other hand, those scenes provide cheeky counterbalance with the more essential and central active narrative taking place at the sorority. I think the three featured actresses are swell, capably illustrating poise and nuance in their quick performances, and the themes explored here are paramount - and welcome. Plus, the ending is outright rewarding. Rating: 9/10

Would that 'The portal' concluded with the resolution of 'Hell week.' Instead we get one last look at the untitled wraparound segment: A found footage video, albeit with a disordered, emphatically jarring, and messily rendered phantasmagorical sequence of images a la the VHS in 'The ring.' I suppose one could argue it's not a bad concept, but it needed to be developed a great deal more, and given much more concrete eventfulness. As it is - even before taking into consideration its division throughout these 75 minutes - this is absolutely disposable. Rating: 1/10

Considered as a whole, 'The portal' isn't bad. But as an anthology film, its value depends nearly entirely on the strength of its constituent parts, and that is a dicey subject. This is very uneven, and the indelicate, uncareful stewardship of the overall editing and sequencing also leaves a bit to be desired. It's not the worst way to spend your time should you come across it. But keep your expectations in check, and definitely don't go out of your way to find it.
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