First Where Lloyd's Hair Stands On End
8 October 2021
Beside the clock-hanging image, today's viewers are familiar with Lloyd's trademark picture of his hair standing up on end in the middle of sticky situations, similar to that of young director David Lynch. One of his first films with the hair spiking upwards was seen in May 1920's "An Eastern Westerner." The hair shot, introduced here, was always a close-up with Lloyd looking straight into camera in utter shock.

Lloyd plays his familiar 'Boy' character as a hedonistic son of a wealthy family who's sent out West to his uncle's ranch to tamp down his bad habits. He runs into the nearby town's villainous enforcer, who has his heart set on Mildred Davis. Lloyd gets in the way and is chased by the town enforcers Masked Angles, a posse resembling the KKK with hooded heads.

In a thrilling final sequence D. W. Griffith would envy, the comedian single-handedly evades the chasing horsemen, repeatedly slithering through and over the members of the Masked Angels. Lloyd's stunts are especially unbelievable considering this was one of the first movies he operated basically with one hand.
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