Pretty Smart (2021)
Tries to be funny by bating viewers with HOT actors
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's not BAD... But it's also not EXCELLENT. The first episode was really bad tho. I'm glad I stuck around to check out the rest.

Okay, initial thoughts: 1. Sort of funny and cringy at the same time
  • I'm not sure if it's the over-the-top acting (sometimes it works, but not always), or the script? There's just something about how the lines are delivered that makes it annoying. You know how when an actor over-emphasizes lines to make it obb it that it's a joke.

2. Lacking in laugh - but tons of eye-candy I think everyone's pretty in this show! Everyone's so hot but the laughs are missing. Emily's sister also sort of annoys me. It seems like a one-rhythm kinda character.

3. I sort of tries to be Friends - or at least replicate the elements
  • we have a newly broken-hearted girl who enters a place where a solid group lives. We have a hot actor (sort of airhead but not really), very positive girl, a hippie girl who has anger problems, and a gay dude (probably a what if to Chandler's character). So anyway, there's just that parallelism but less chemistry??

  • Believe it or not, it actually gets better as you go forward. The characters get better and less annoying. So if you have the patience, watch and see how they unfold.
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