Tunka Tunka (2021)
Worst storyline.
11 October 2021
No source of information, how that kid gets an idea of becoming a cyclists, from where he gets the inspiration to be a cyclists. Such a worst beginning.

And why his father was always so mad at him, he just kicked his son out from the house because of such a small thing, that's insane, doesn't make any sense at all. And the "love story", don't even have words to describe, it's so worst. In a single song, she fell in love with him, really ??? As his lover she should motivate him to carry out his goal, but she wanted to get marry with him, such a bullshit. If story doesn't demand for love story then don't put it. Again no information, why she got attracted towards him, didn't show any chemistry, no attraction, nothing at all, but she's mad in his love, how come ???

Don't waste your time watching this kind of crap. Worst movie ever after Qismat 2.
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