Bones: The Secret in the Soil (2007)
Season 3, Episode 4
Is there a Dr in the house?
13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hi Bones Booth Podcast.

Greetings from Jan in England.

Oh dear evern the rather wonder introduction of the rather wonderful Dr Sweets could not save this episode of Bones from the stinking pile.

This is a bit of a bleugh (British slang for not good enough. Bland.) episode. Perhaps because it's so slow moving. Even the dialogue comes across as stilted.

Opening scene in Dr Sweet's office. The questionnaire he gives them is probably a core 10. Core stands for Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation, as the name suggests it's made up from 10 questions. It looks for any mental health issues, and id often used at the start and once again at the end of therapy.

Skin slippage- Sounds nasty.

A bit odd that Cam couldn't recognise a clear imprint of a button on the victim's skin. She's supposed to be a New York coroner.

Elizabeth Harding- What a fool. It's a wonder she's still alive with her foot in mouth scene.

Love the nod to David's past acting history, when the road to the Apocalypse is mentioned, in the pineapple greenhouse. (In Angel he was always trying to stop one.) This is not the first time that this happened and it's not the last one either.

The rest of the episode drags its heels as the team lurch from one discovery to another. Can you tell that is not one of my favorite episodes?

The only scene that I like is the end scene once again back in Dr Sweets office. It's clear here that Sweets is under the impression, given by the test answers that he thinks Bones and Booth have a thing going on. The looks he gives both of them are priceless. Bones jumps in to defend Booth when she believes that Sweets is having a go at him.

Booth "Sweets I can only hope that one day you know what a real partnership is." "We complete each other as a team." - The look on Booths face he looks like he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Booth is very quick to assure Sweets that Bones and he are just partners. Bones jumps in to hammer home the point in her own unique ham-fisted style.

Booth is happy about that fact the Bones would go for coffee with him. But he catches the look that Sweets is giving them both and quickly changes the subject.

The best bits of this espisode take place at the start and at the end of the program.
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