A man desperate for money partners with the wrong person
15 October 2021
"Sound of Fury" from 1950 is an indictment against the media, but it also shows vigilante justice and its effect. The film stars Frank Lovejoy, Richard Carlson, Lloyd Nolan, Kathleen Ryan, Adele Jergens, and Katherine Locke.

Lovejoy plays Howard Tyler, a jobless man down on his luck. He has a wife (Ryan) and son with another child on the way. He meets a well-dressed, confident man, Jerry Slocom (Bridges) who tells him he may have a job for him.

Tyler later learns Slocom needs him as a getaway driver for various robberies he performs. As he explains it, it's usually small time stuff, gas stations, liquor stores, that kind of thing. Tyler really doesn't want to do it, but he's desperate.

We don't know how much time passes, but we see that Tyler and his familly are doing better. One night, Slocum has another plan. He watches as a very wealthy man comes out of his house - at the same time, every night. Then he grabs him. Slocom takes his valuables -- watch, tie clip, and rings, whatever he has. Then they drive to a place and throw him, tied up, into the water.

Tyler had no idea this was the plan, and Slocom takes it further by writing a kidnap note. He's tortured because he went along with it, and starts drinking heavily. He gets so drunk at one point that he confesses to a woman (Locke) Slocom and his girlfriend (Jergens) introduce him to. Then he tries to kill her - she gets away and calls the police. Tyler and Slocom are arrested.

A newspaper reporter, Gil Stanton (Carlson) is under orders from his boss to sensationalize the case. All along, the paper has been scaring the public by writing about a crime wave in the city. Now they really get their teeth into it. The townspeople are angry about the murder and demand justice.

The last scenes of this film are powerful and graphic, demonstrating mob mentality fed by the media.

Lovejoy plays an odd character. At first he just seems like a good guy down on his luck. Then he goes along with the robberies. The robbery of the wealthy man was ridiculous - there is no way they could have fenced those items and not get caught. He doesn't do anything to stop Slocom.

Added to this, Tyler double dates with Slocom and his girlfriend and is introduced to a woman - he's a married man, and there's no explanation why he accompanies them to a nightclub.

Lovejoy's approach to the role is passive, which is right for the character, because he obviously just lets things happen to him without a fight. Lloyd Nolan is terrific - flashy, fast-talking, ruthless, and handsome.

Not what I expected.
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