Review of [Cargo]

[Cargo] (2018)
Holy smokes this is unwatchable
16 October 2021
A guy finds himself in a metal cargo container and finds out his wife is kidnapped and he has to come up with ten million dollars. The fact the kidnappers think a guy can get ten million dollars on the phone in one night just like that is ridiculous. And a sign of how bad this is written.

To do a film like this, you need two things - a great actor and a great script. This has neither. The "actor" is unbearable. Terrible. The script is terrible.

He's talking to an associate to get the money and the associate says "good thing you can keep your sense of humor" and other things that no one would ever say in a situation like this. Every other piece of dialog is ridiculous.

Once the guy on the phone is driving a fast car and we hear the car like it's outside (not on the phone) I stopped. Couldn't take it.

This was terrible.
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