An important conversation-piece....
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two items really stood out for me in this mini-docu-series: First and foremost was the commenter in the film who briefly mentioned (as kind of a passing reference) Brittany Murphy being the "It-Girl" (a'la the famous actress Clara Bow) of the early 2000s period, for her own respective movie era that is to say.

Which if you look at Murphy's filmography from Girl Interrupted (1999) on thru 2005, this really is apt in her case...She did a little bit of everything as far as movies go (pretty amazing really)!!

The second item that struck me hard, was the testimony of Ms. Elizabeth Ragsdale. How terribly that woman was treated by this guy, and how courageous of her to share her story of what sounds like a total creeper and Creepshow in her life. God bless that woman.

Another commentator in the documentary (towards the end of the second-part) says, regarding Monjack's involvement in Brittany's life: "It ultimately is a very banal story. It just - really isn't a huge mystery. It's just very simple, a predator targeting someone at their most vulnerable..."

I think that really says it all best, in terms of the darker elements the documentary covers. A shame too... because Ms. Murphy was at a point in her career where, if she still had-had some more positive influences in her inner-career-circle...She most certainly would have secured one or two more iconic roles for herself, either on-screen or on-stage, most probably at some point up the road.

I personally really appreciate the approach this documentary took. Seemingly what the film-team attempted to do was take a 'true-crime' approach, juxtaposing thoughtful and insightful interviews and comments from people who actually knew Brittany as a person - as opposed to speculative half-opinions from people on YouTube who didn't really know her at all...Was my interpretation anyway.

I think 'film-history' will treat Ms. Brittany Murphy well overtime.... Regardless of people's personal opinion of her as an actor/artist, she performed in some roles that are Cultural-Linchpins for the era of movies in which she Came-Up as an Artist:

Clueless, Girl-Interrupted, 8-Mile, Sin City, Happy-Feet... Not to mention King of the Hill -- one of the most loved animated T. V shows of the late 90s/early-2000s. (Shout-Out to "Aunt Peggy", interviewed quite prominently as a close-personal-friend of Brittany Murphy's throughout both episodes!!)

These movies, projects, cultural-character-commentaries will stand the test of time as long as People still care and talk about them going forward As-Well.

Woulda been great to see her do more **Work** but she definitely already made her mark as an Actor&Artist.

I'm not saying this documentary was perfect (what documentary is!?), but I personally appreciate the approach taken by the documentarian film-crew to attempt to put to rest a lot of the 'hacky' conspiracy-theory items surrounding all of this, in an attempt to put a lot of that part of all this to rest .... So people can focus more on what a Wonder-Full Artist&Person Brittany Murphy actually is, and appreciate all the great work she's already done.

As a sidenote: All people of course are entitled to their own opinions, and we're all human, so we all make mistakes here and there, but I must say it is hard for me to take any comment seriously about this subject or the Actor/Artist in any comment where her name is constantly mis-spelled...It's "Brittany" not "Britney"...Anyone can say what one wants about this documentary for ill or For-Good, but at least the documentary got that right. Lol!

Rest in Peace Ms. Brittany Murphy.
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