Dashcam (I) (2021)
A wild ride
17 October 2021
This was one of the most all-out fun films I've seen in a while. It pulls off the neat trick of being both scary and hilarious. The central character, Annie, is an obnoxious - yet somehow loveable - vlogger and the film is shown from the perspective of her livestreaming camera, together with the comments of her audience. An anti-masker conspiracy theorist, she escapes the 'oppression' of Los Angeles during the pandemic and travels to London to stay with an old friend, 'Stretch', and his girlfriend. Within hours, she steals his car during an argument, gives a lift to a frail little old black woman, and from thereon in all hell breaks loose. This little old woman turns out to be not at all what she seems. That's as much as I want to say. There is a coherent story underlying events, but the story barely really matters; this film is essentially a thrill ride and it's best to just sit back and enjoy it.
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