Seamlessly combining two films to make one?
18 October 2021
Before you watch "King of the Sierras" you might want to read the IMDB summary that explains in detail the strange path this took to become a film. To summarize, after the merger of six tiny studios into one, dubbed 'Republic Pictures', the new studio found that among its possessions was a partially complete film which starred two horses, Rex the Wonder Horse and Sheik. Rather than tossing the footage and accepting their loss, someone had the bright idea of using a new cast and using the existing footage! As a result, the film consists of lots of flashback scenes clumsily linked by new footage with Uncle Hank and young Tommy. The story is essentially about wild horses...and their many adventures (yawn).

So did this scheme work? From what I saw, no. The story seems choppy, the sound uneven and the overall effort is pretty dull stuff. After all, most of the action consists of horses running about in the wild. To make it worse, they had the kid sing...and the kid DEFINITELY should not have sung. This probably led to a lot of theater patrons using that time to use the restroom or buy popcorn.

So should you watch it? No...I wouldn't recommend it. After all, if I had to suffer, why should you as well?
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