Goodbye Angela. Don't like this show anymore
20 October 2021
Nicki being in the crosshairs with Lauren over their shared feelings for Taylor costs her a place in the Elite Cotillion and her college dreams. Tyrique admits to Angela that he is being forced to spy on her on Teddy's order, momentary break up with Angela only to be restored when they find Teddy's journals over what actually Angela's mom was convicted for. Raymond's quest for dirt digging brings up an anynomous shell company. Lauren proves herself to be a Mega Bitchy Girl which even angers Leah. And Lauren's coming out aint well received by Olivia Dupont. But good for Taylor to stop things with Lauren. Teddy's condition worsens as he overdoses on the Parkinson's drugs.

Overall , after 5 Episodes I dont find this show that much interesting or impressive. Appreciate the Black cast but don't like the overdose of drama and glamour. Goodbye Our Kind of People.
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