Dumb and Dumber Go To Washington
24 October 2021
This is a fairly straightforward record of the events of January 6, pieced together from a variety of sources and narrated by interviews with those who were there - rioters, police, reporters, politicians. The film doesn't really reveal anything new or surprising about January 6, but it does serve as a revealing record of possibly the dumbest insurrection in history. They stormed the Capitol with no real plan - just because Trump told them to. Some believed the election had been rigged or stolen, but they had zero evidence, and had ignored all the evidence that there was no irregularity, no "steal". Some spout dopey beliefs about children being kidnaped and tortured, again with no evidence. Once inside the Capitol, they take selfies, smoke weed, wander aimlessly and are led away from the Senate chamber by one wily security officer - because they were too dumb to even check the layout of the building before storming it. Ultimately, they achieved nothing, other than shaming themselves and their nation. All in all, it's a wonder these yokels managed to catch the right bus or train, or take the right freeway to get to Washington in the first place. Yes, the US is deeply divided, and those divisions led to the insurrection, riot, attempted coup, or whatever you want to call it. But the US needs to face the fact that - besides being a nation divided - this was an insurrection born of rank stupidity.
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