Black (2017)
Actors are great, writing is hard to follow
24 October 2021
I found the writing confusing: too many people changed names, and not until episode 16 did I realize Han Moo-gang was not the same name as Han Moo-chan. Maybe it's me, I'm quite old.

Somebody watched a lot of American stuff. Meet Joe Black is acknowledged overtly, but this also lifts from Butterfly Effect and possibly Donnie Darko (maybe the bunny rabbit key chain is an allusion). The police squad also has a guy with Belker (Hill Street Blues) tendencies.

We started this and abandoned it at episode 2, and then, after two years of watching Korean romance dramas (we watch little else but Korean shows now; I think this is our first really dark one), and then came back to it. My advice is to do what we did: watch up to half way thru episode 12, then skip to episode 16. You won't miss anything.

This is the second show we watched with Go Ara which has endings which are meant to please (Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol is the other) but which are cheats. In this one, the Butterfly Effect lift makes you wonder what happened to all the other characters: if this ending, then what about that, and what about that, etc.?
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