Getaway Driver (2021– )
Gets repetitive quickly and lacks balanced risk vs reward
25 October 2021
Note: I've only watched the first episode.

The reason I haven't bothered to watch another is that by the end of the first episode, I already determined it's not worth my time compared to the many other wonderful shows I could be watching.

The premise is interesting enough: three drivers in their own cars take turns navigating an urban obstacle course to try and find one of two exits while being chased by two pursuers. At the start of each run, Michelle hands the driver a $2K roll of cash. If they make it through an exit, they keep the cash. If not, no cash but the two of three drivers who survived the longest against the pursuers get a chance to try it again, but at night. Night attempts are now worth $5K but instead of two pursuers, there are now three, and now only one exit. Simple enough formula for some cheap thrills.

But that's the main problem: it's a very simple formula that gets repetitive quickly. Yes, ALL reality competitions are formulaic, but there's something about the set up and the editing that makes the excitement feel forced.

Also, and maybe it's just me, but I genuinely feel bad for the competitors, because they're driving their own cars, which they've often built themselves, and the cars get beat up pretty badly! Between the obstacle course and the pursuers (who are allowed to make physical contact and ram the drivers), there's no way the prize money is worth the repair costs for the majority of the contestants. I've worked on cars and I know how expensive and also emotionally taxing it can be for your pride and joy to be damaged.

Netflix had another driving competition show, called Hyperdrive, that was much better. It was much more skills based, with a better calibre of drivers who, thanks to better backstory telling, the audience cared more about. The drivers in Getaway Driver, however, feel disposable and I have the feeling many of them will regret putting their cars through this punishment for 15 minutes of TV fame.
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