Abysmal. I made an account just to review how awful it is.
25 October 2021
Love a documentary, and I was a fan of a lot of her movies so I was curious when I saw this. But, I couldn't finish. It was awful. I'm not sure why the people who made this documentary, with all the research and effort they made and the attempts to get the people who were close to her to interview (and even the doctor who did the autopsy) felt the need to put these idiotic video bloggers in there, as if they are some sort of authority. As soon as I saw the one who was doing her makeup, I thought, "What kind of joke is this?" They have zero expertise, and just talk nonsense and conspiracy theories. I don't need a video blogger to talk about how weird it is for her widow and mom to cuddle in the same bed together - I can come to that conclusion on my own. And, if you're going to get a video blogger to opine, perhaps get one that does not talk as if they are a stoned 16 year old girl. "Like, seriously? That is not cool, who does that?!" Thank you so much for your opinion, video blogger. You can go back to doing your makeup now, I'm turning something else on.
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