Leverage: Redemption: The Card Game Job (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Favorite of the First-8
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
#TheCardGameJob is my favorite #LeverageRedemption episode of the first-8. Great ensemble dynamics from the #Leverage team pairings. #HarryWilson and #Parker looking for a vault, with Parker unable to recognize visual clues from Harry to remove her ear bud so they could talk (which was so like Parker of the original #Leverage series), and Harry providing advice to Parker on mentoring a Gen-Z #Breanna's age, as a dad of one. Breanna holding her own with the mark in the card tournament. For me, the funniest pairing in this episode was a pouting #EliotSpencer and #SophieDevereaux picking out costumes (E: "don't want to be an elf!"; S: "woodland fairy?"; E: "SOPHIE!"); Eliot's deflating dragon and excellent swordplay and fighting (for which #ChristianKane gained appreciation from an actual swordswoman reviewing this episode); Eliot trying to stop Sophie from performing, with Sophie swatting back; Eliot's dismay at having to endure Sophie's bad acting; and Sophie's turnabout when her performance became part of the con. Loved seeing guest #FrenchStewart and the quirks and depth he added to his character. Guest #MaxSheldon portrayed the smarmy vulture capitalist well ("nothing is beneath you, Carter"). Hope the Spirit's Ruse card game can become available to the fans - and loved its comparison to rock-paper-scissors. All Eliot has to do is find the "tell" to win.
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