Could have worked as a mini series or not
27 October 2021
There is a a lot to be said about writers and directors cramming far too many social issues into a 2 hour movie with so many individual people's stories trying to be captured in their entirety while trying to keep the audience interested and engaged in what is classified as a documentary film.

This movie attempted that and unfortunately it failed. A mini series may have worked in order to develop the characters' individual plights without jumping across numerous other characters' stories, countries, LGBTQI+, racism, politics, BLM, refugees, asylum seekers, illegal migrants, citizenship issues, recovered drug addicts, protests, activism ... the list is as long as my forearm. Way too many social topics presented in a rather amateur way for the screen. It's like a YouTuber made this mashup.

It was made even more tedious to watch with the contrived Syrian social media influencer banging his own drum for more exposure and likes whose constant crying was initially believable until he bragged and celebrated about his posts going viral. And another social media pro and driver in China also in it for exposure.

You missed a great opportunity to get this right, Netflix. But you messed it up.
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