Review of The Motive

The Motive (2020–2021)
Youtube Called, .. . It's Missing One of Its Poorly Made Crime Docs
28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Utter tosh.

This "documentary" could have been completed in one 17 minute youtube video without losing a beat. I realized early on that the audience was never going to learn "the motive" to the actual crime, which would be fine (albeit disappointing) IF they had chosen to actually leave us feeling like it was a mystery we wanted to solve at the end. They failed in amazing ways to do that.

Instead, we are subjected to exhaustive footage of the killer's lawyer continually saying "If you knew the reason you would understand... " and "If you had the whole story you would feel empathy.. . ". Throughout these tales he spins, his body language screams "I'm just another smarmy lawyer giving you random theories so you don't know just how awful my client truly is."

With shades of the Menendez defense painted into his narrative, he tries to suggest that there perhaps was abuse in the home by saying "no comment" to questions about it. From all that is presented throughout, there was not a single whisper of evidence of abuse in this case. (At least with Lyle and Erik Menendez, there were friends & family members who testified that there actually WAS abuse going on in the home. With this case however, .. . Nada.)

The killer went to great lengths from the outset to have his murders be declared "manslaughter" so that all the monetary spoils- the family house, the inheritance money, the car/s- would belong to him. That right there is motive enough. Do we really need secondary or tertiary "motives"? And when I say "motives", I actually mean "soft-scrambled theories". Also, why does a country's laws not prevent someone who slaughters their entire family from inheriting everything!? Amazing.

And finally, the murderer has been out in the world for years, (without having his name be known to the public), and having served time in the psych ward and jail that was so short that he was out in time to attend college? What?

If all this isn't "The Motive" enough for you to not bother watching this rubbish, there's not much more I can say to change your mind.
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