Fun Heist Movie
28 October 2021
First of all..

Army of Thieves (2021) is a prequel to The Army of the Dead (2021) and its a great one.

Zack Snyder Army of the Dead wasn't quite good. I really hoped it to be but it wasn't.

That Movie tried to be Zombie , action , heist , drama flick. But it pretty much failed at every aspect.

Army of Thieves on the other hand.. Was a Heist movie. It wasn't overhyped and had one great key aspect from the Zack Snyders movie...

It had Matthias Schweighöfers character Dieter as a main protagonist. Really funny , over the top , European - safe cracker.

Army of Thieves had good potential. I didn't expect much from this movie and was surprised. Directed by the man him self Matthias Schweighöfer .It is a cliche heist film , but in a good way. It doesn't take it self too serious. Funny jokes here and there plus interesting locations with great visuals. And the safe cracking scenes were absolutely impressing.

Plus the Soundtrack was great!

Had fun watching this movie. And if you were disappointed after watching Army of the Dead then definitely watch this movie!
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