More wood ... I mean mayhem
29 October 2021
Puns aside, I have to admit I never thought there would be a sequel to the first movie. But now I can imagine there being a third one - everything is possible. Now before I delve into the "story", let's say one thing that every slasher fan is actually looking for in horror movies like this one: this is ultra violent and has a good mixture between practical and CG effects.

So if that floats your boat, you might as well give it a try. Having said that, the story itself ... well that is a different story, no pun intended. While the movie flows along nicely (with enough kills and suspense to keep you occupied), towards the end there seems to be a switch ... a change of lanes. That is something that viewers may find disturbing to say the least. The loveable (new) main characters change in a way - it's hard to really root for anyone in this ... so if you don't mind that and are in for the kills ... there are way worse movies out there.
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