The Intent was there, but the execution failed to deliver.
30 October 2021
What is family? Is it only about sharing an identical surname? Or to live under the same roof? Or is it something that goes way beyond the definition of our conservative norms? Does it have any impediments? Any premeditated barriers set by society? And what would it all amount to if somebody decides to take a different route all of a sudden?

Abhishek Jain's 'Hum Do Hamare Do' attempts to pose a stern challenge against the very foundation of a well functioning Family. The notion itself begs a lot of valid queries and without a doubt has a significant value tied to it.

Even though not all parts of the audience would come in agreement with such fairly questionable viewpoints and it could also come off as naive and childish at times but I'm pretty sure that nobody would deny that it's an honest attempt at executing things in a slightly different manner.

Do you know what the actual problem is though? That there's not been proactive support from the Writing. Not to mention, due to the same reason, it falls short of bringing us to a tangible verdict. Dialogues barely comply with the broad spectrum of emotions and feelings this film hoped to achieve.

Performance-wise, no one outshines heavily as an individual; it rather comes across as a collective effort from the whole ensemble who did just enough to help us navigate through the entire duration.

In short, 'Hum Do Hamare Do' is serviceable only as a pastime and has just enough entertainment quotient to somewhat appease the mainstream audience. However, there's not much in it for the intellectuals though!
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