Don't waste your time.
31 October 2021
OMG, what a waste if time, sorry I can't give this movie anymore than a one star rating, my question is, where did it all go wrong?

Okay the first one was not a great movie but it was enjoyable if you like that sort if thing. Now I like slasher style movies and the first one didn't disappoint so when I saw the second one on Netflix I dived into watching it.

Boy was I sorry, firstly they film makers changed a straight horror into a comedy one, why? Okay the first one had unintentional humour which happens to most horror films but when the humour is done on purpose it can work or nit and this one Didn't.

Next it was the story, okay it can be quite difficult to keep a movie going by but adding in, I am not going to give anything away but this time it didn't work. Keep the same story but add to it with something that makes sense.

I can see a third one being made and if it does I am hoping the film makers will revert back to the original one.

All in all don't waste your time.
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