Pass on it.
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another Lifetime movie where the protag is actually the jerk so the movie does its best to make an otherwise reasonable and harmless person (Sam in this one) the bad guy. I'm late to this movie (no pun intended) but I'm glad that other contributors picked up on it.

Seriously, don't waste your time. I generally like Lindsay Hartley's movies on here, and she's the only reason I attempted to watch but after seeing what was happening, I turned it off.

There's another movie with Poppy Montgomery and Ty Lawson (?) where her character accused him (her boyfriend) of something serious when they were young, turned their child into her sister, he goes to jail for a crime he didn't commit...and then they turn him into a killer anyway thus "absolving" the protag of her false story. Lifetime needs to let this terrible template go already.
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