Deadly Due Date (2021 TV Movie)
"We have a deep connection." "Since when?"
2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Favorite line in the movie, and the delivery was perfect. "I'm sorry. My baby needs me." is a close second. Sometimes the camp is done just right. This movie was ok. Watchable on a Friday night after a long work week. The main thing I wasn't impressed with was that there was a body count. Claire's obsession with Bill did not justify murder for me, and seeing a pregnant woman claim victims, and struggle with other characters was a bit much. The scene at the end where Bill finds out how nuts she is could have totally still happened w/o needing to have victims. When you think about it, they all knew each other, she was allowing them to adopt the baby and they clearly were going to allow her to be around him, it might have been more interesting for her to do more psychological warfare than active killing. The tension was already baked in since the movie's POV was that Rachel couldn't bear children. The killing was just so nonsensical. In what world would Bill have been with Claire after she murders his mother? I think the movie could have been more like The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (my favorite movie to compare Lifetime flicks to) in that Peyton tried to push Claire (heh) out of her own family and Claire had to fight for her husband and children.

I didn't really care for how quickly Bill took Claire's and his mother's side over his wife's, but that's par for the course for these movies, so it feels like wasted energy to dwell on it. But one would think that given the emotional distress of not being able to have a baby, it would be harder for someone they don't really know to cause so much trouble. I also hate when characters die and it gets glossed over. Particularly when that character holds importance to the protag (s). The kid's future grandma gets murdered (in the house btw) and it's just another plot point.

But I did watch the whole movie. The little munchkin was too cute. I'm glad the villain got their just rewards and didn't get away. That ending ruins so many of these movies.
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