The Parasite (1997)
Should have been about giant testicles
2 November 2021
The Parasite is yet another film from the Tomb of Terrors box set made in Arizona. Unlike Capture the Flag which was made in the "small town" of Phoenix this was made in the microscopic municipality of Tucson. It starts out well with a guy writing a letter and then stabbing his hand during the credits. We then get a professor giving a presentation of Elephantiasis, everyone's favorite tropical bacterial disease that makes your balls the size of boulders. Visions of a slasher film about a killer with huge, aching testicles cutting off normal men's junk to graft onto his own body but they keep getting huge and painful will float through your head. Unfortunately I don't think this film has ever been made.

The Parasite is actually about a spurned mesmerist who "puts a spell on" men who won't love her back despite barely knowing her. This causes the men to have relationship troubles, stab themselves (as seen in the beginning credits) and even resort to murder. After many minutes of boredom things come to a head and the main character has to contend with not only her but another spurned would-be lover. Things get fairly bloody towards the end. This is a good idea (though not as good as my elephant-nut slasher idea) sluggishly executed and poorly acted. It's not horrible and more worthwhile than most of The Tomb of Terrors box set. I'll watch the Demi Moore Parasite or the oil rig Parasite again instead though I'd watch this again before the Oscar-winning Parasite.
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